Monday, February 20, 2012

Being Hungry for God's Glory {Fasting & Prayer}

The role of our prayers on earth are able to invoke the power of God from heaven. -Norm Rasmussen
My first memory of fasting was joining in with the rest of my youth group in middle school to do the 30-Hour Famine, though sadly, I was less concerned about worldwide hunger and praying on its behalf and more focused on counting down until I could indulge in whatever my mind was craving.  I didn't get the point.  And I certainly didn't believe in the power of prayer combined with fasting.

Fasting is simply human weakness deferring to God's strength.  It does not come naturally to me to deny myself food (or much, for that matter) and put God and His interests ahead of my own.

I've often felt that I pray half-heartedly or without belief.  I forget who I am appealing to!  It's easy to let life distract me and forget that I am calling on Almighty God.  I don't want my limp prayers to bounce back at me.  I want God's power to be released and accomplish much.

For me, fasting seems to draw me nearer to the heart of God and it intensifies my time in prayer.  When I get stuck spiritually, it debunks my unbelief.  It breaks through when prayer doesn't seem to be working on its own.  It signifies that I can't do it on my own and that I need God's intervention in my life.

For the prayers of a righteous man are both powerful and effective.  James 5:16