Friday, February 27, 2009

The Pee Count

The record so far in one night, not including going pee right before bed and right when I wake up, is 4 times. No wonder I haven't had a decent night's sleep in awhile.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Countdown to September 30th

How cool it was to see the heartbeat this morning! I can't believe there's actually something in me right now and I'm almost 10 weeks.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

where you can check out where money is being spent from the stimulus package.

Because It's a Wednesday

mmm...carrot is my fav.
with a glass of milk, of course.
and yes, the frosting tastes as good as it looks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Determine Your Home Decor Taste

I redid the quiz online to determine what my home design style is. I didn't feel like it reflected me appropriately. I think these results are more accurate.

46% Modern Elegance
31% Cottage Chic
23% French Eclectic

Take yours here.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Morning Projects

It is a sweat-pants-wearin, tea-sippin, IndiaArie-listenin, and haven't-brushed-my-teeth-yet Monday morning for me. I am making cards and organizing my closet. It's chilly outside and I'd rather be in than out running my errands.

What are you up to this morning?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Recent Pics

I'm (hopefully) getting over a sickness that I've had for over a week now, so that's my excuse for not blogging lately. Instead, for your enjoyment, here's the recent photos off my camera.

In sequential order...

Picture taken before pregnancy was confirmed at Dr.'s office.

I gave Marlow his summer cut last week. Here's the "before."
And "after."
Samoas, Thin Mints, Tagalongs, oh my!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Belly Beauty

I saw this picture online. Reminds me of what a miracle this is.

Friday, February 06, 2009


That's all I have to say.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Rundown

08:20 Rise n shine
08:45 Friends come over for breakfast/plan baby shower
10:30 Change and head to the gym
12:00 Home, shower, email, food inventory, phone calls
13:00 Head out, hit up grocery, BedBathBeyond, cute baby boutique
14:30 Browse Anthropologie until my hair appointment
14:35 Almost upchuck on Anthro's store floor
14:38 Sit in the much-welcomed, empty leather couch to regain breath and composure
14:39 Wait for store employee to come and unlock employee-only restroom
14:40 Almost upchuck in Anthro's comode, regain composure
14:50 Walk out to car, roll windows down, and lay chair back to full decline
15:00 Breathe in, breathe out, try not to upchuck in freshly vacuumed car, try to sleep
16:00 Get a quick bang trim, try not to upchuck on nice hair lady
16:30 Home, lay down, rest, sleep
17:30 Rise n shine, try not to upchuck while making lasagna
18:30 Drive to store with hubs and Marls to get ice cream, then play at park
19:00 Friends come over for dinner, try to not upchuck while friends and hubs eat lasagna
20:00 Hang out with friends, ice cream
22:00 Ice cream is still down. Success.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Today's Project

Cherry, cheese, and apricot danishes.
My favorite breakfast pastry.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Nap Regulation

I got up early today and went to the gym. We learned that spouses get a free membership at AMD's gym, so I'm definitely taking advantage of that. It is brand new and big and I saw only three other people there today. I walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes and did the elliptical for 30 minutes. I attempted to do some kind of ab machine but almost injured myself, so I stopped. I picked up a flyer on the way out that has a contact number so I can get a complimentary fitness exam.

Afterwards, I went home, took a shower, and worked for a few hours this morning. Then I ran some errands and came home and went to bed. I feel useless, requiring a 2-3 hour nap everyday. I feel like I'm wasting the day away and like I haven't accomplished much.

Tonight my old boss is taking out Chris and I for dinner to La Traviatta. We rarely go out to eat, so this is really a treat for us. Although, I do have to say that I've discovered food doesn't taste nearly as good anymore without wine. It just brings every element of taste to a whole new level. I can do without it for 8 months though.