Thursday, February 05, 2009

A Rundown

08:20 Rise n shine
08:45 Friends come over for breakfast/plan baby shower
10:30 Change and head to the gym
12:00 Home, shower, email, food inventory, phone calls
13:00 Head out, hit up grocery, BedBathBeyond, cute baby boutique
14:30 Browse Anthropologie until my hair appointment
14:35 Almost upchuck on Anthro's store floor
14:38 Sit in the much-welcomed, empty leather couch to regain breath and composure
14:39 Wait for store employee to come and unlock employee-only restroom
14:40 Almost upchuck in Anthro's comode, regain composure
14:50 Walk out to car, roll windows down, and lay chair back to full decline
15:00 Breathe in, breathe out, try not to upchuck in freshly vacuumed car, try to sleep
16:00 Get a quick bang trim, try not to upchuck on nice hair lady
16:30 Home, lay down, rest, sleep
17:30 Rise n shine, try not to upchuck while making lasagna
18:30 Drive to store with hubs and Marls to get ice cream, then play at park
19:00 Friends come over for dinner, try to not upchuck while friends and hubs eat lasagna
20:00 Hang out with friends, ice cream
22:00 Ice cream is still down. Success.


Michelle said...

oh no not the up-chucking stage!

hollie marie said...

Definitely sounds like you're making a baby!

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

Ginger ale babe. It helps a LOT. (But it has to have real ginger, I'll look up the brand and get back to you!)

And remember, smiling suppresses the gag reflex!

Love you!!!!!