Thursday, September 14, 2006

"Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fond"

Hurray! Chris has been gone for 3 weeks to Singapore for work. I've missed him a lot! But his return flight is scheduled for Saturday morning! He's leaving his hotel room in about 2 hours from now and will travel about 30 hours to get back to our new home. He left just 4 days after we moved in, so it will be different to him, I'm sure, to come back here. I'm hoping to welcome him home with a yummy dinner that night on our new grill. He's gotten really tired of eating out on his trip. Unfortunately, however, I scheduled two shifts of babysitting on Saturay from 9:45am-1, and from 7:45pm-11pm. I agreed to them too soon, I think, but it will help with our budget. Christopher will probably be sleeping to catch up from jetlag anyway. I'm so happy he's coming home! What a void in my life to have my husband gone for so long. But I will agree with the old saying...