Wednesday, September 07, 2011

On Mindless Eating

When running a half marathon last year, one of the most encouraging things about the race was all the people on the sidelines cheering me on along the way.  Sure, they didn't know my name and I didn't know them, but they were out there to support somebody and I soaked in their applause and cheers as if it were meant for me.  Some held signs on poster boards, encouraging the runners.  "You trained for this!"  "You got this, girl!"  "Make this race your bitch!" < - - Quite frankly my favorite one.  They gave me so much inspiration (and laughter) that it was easier to finish the race because they reminded me that I believed in myself, and yes, I could do it.

You shall have no other gods before me.  -Exodus 20:3

Recently I have admitted to myself that I have used food as an idol.  How does that play out in my life?  I am a mindless eater.  I don't do a very good job watching the amount that I eat or listening to my stomach to stop eating once it's satisfied.  I eat without much thought sometimes, probably a glazed look over my face, not even realizing what I'm doing.  Snacking here, snacking there.  It doesn't seem like it would add up to much, but at the end of the day, I feel sluggish and bloated.  I don't think that's how God intends for us to take care of ourselves.  After all, we are His temple.  I think He wants us to choose wholesome fuel so that we can be productive and efficient for His Kingdom.  Eating right and being physically active makes me not only feel good, but it makes a spiritual connection for me, too.  You see, I feel worshipful when I practice self control (one of the fruits of the Spirit).  Instead of indulging myself, I have been making a mental effort to choose ChristHe alone satisfies.

I don't desire to be skinny.  I just want to take care of the hot body that God has already given me.

I refuse to eat all that low-fat crap.  It's fake anyway.  I choose real food; eating less and moving more.

(On a side note, I think God has given us wonderfully diverse food to enjoy and sustain us.  I just go a little far with the enjoyment part.)

I don't want food to be a god in my life.  Can you identify?  If you're in this race with me, here are some signs along the way to cheer us on.


hollie marie said...

I LOVE this!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Seriously! I am a slave to mindless eating. When I'm feeling particularly on top of my game, I remember Matthew 6:(somewhere towards the middle/end), where Jesus asks the crowd, "Is not life more than food? And the body more than clothing?" Buuuuuuuuuuut most of the time, I'm like, "ooh!! Ice cream! YUM YUm Yum... yuck." I especially enjoy "You already know what it tastes like."


Christy Hutchins said...

Love this and have never thought of food as an idol before, but most definitely I can identify with this! You continue to amaze me friend! LOVE YOU

Hatch 5 said...

Wow! I am laying on the couch exhausted from my detox and can now get up and tackle the afternoon! Thanks for the sweet pics and effort that took! I love how you love!

Jim G said...

This is a HUGE encouragement to me! I want no idols to cast a shadow between me and God's eternal blessed light!!