Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Girls

Vera Corrine will turn 2 in October and I can hardly believe it.  Like her hair, she is wild and carefree.  Her element is amongst other kids her age or running outside, anywhere.  She loves to be dirty, still loves to eat, and really enjoys books.  Right now her current love affair is with Elmo and occasionally she gets to watch old school episodes of Sesame Street from the '70s.  Her booty just got smaller in the sense that she no longer wears a diaper during the day.  Using just two diapers a day now (nap time and bedtime) is amazing and is saving lots of money.  We never officially started potty training but just sort of merged our way into it, so it's been about a month now and she's doing great.  When she is caught up in playing with other kids, I still need to make sure she is aware that potty opportunities are available, but all in all, she has been accident free for over a week.  Can't believe what a big girl she is now.  This afternoon I stripped Lydia's bed to wash the sheet and left the mattress on the floor.  Vera spent about a half hour making all of her stuffed animals 'jump' on it.
Lydia Ruth is 4 months old and a tank of love.  She enjoys hearing her own voice.  Each day she becomes a little more opinionated and her current obsession is kicking.  Her smile melts my heart and my biceps are getting stronger the more I carry her around.  I am still so thankful that both girls sleep so well in their own beds, sharing a room.  Life is really fun right now; each day an adventure.  I feel extremely blessed with two beautiful, sweet girls that rock my world.
What was your favorite TV show as a child?