Friday, June 03, 2011

Moby Wrap Fun

Vera cracked me up today.  She is such a little observer and often times I don't even notice until she imitates something she's seen me do.  I borrowed a Moby Wrap and often wear it around the house with Lydia inside.  I love her snuggled up to me and it's pretty easy to clean, cook, and get things done with her in it.  Vera was playing with it this afternoon and I had the brilliant idea to stick her 22 lbs. inside.  What a little monkey she is.  She looks so dang big and I love the scowl on her face.
After wanting out, I soon realized that she really wanted to wear it herself carrying her baby.  Of course!  So I wind the fabric around her and tuck it in to fit her.  She LOVES having baby in the wrap and thinks it's so neat to look like mommy.
It amazes me how natural it is for this little girl to be so motherly and nurturing.  Chris really scored buying her her first baby doll.  She's obsessed and baby has to be swaddled all the time with the pacifier in her mouth.
She brings me so much joy.