Friday, January 14, 2011

Cooking on the Cheap

After your planned meals have been made and your leftovers eaten, what do you make for dinner?  I had thick sliced deli turkey, spinach, arugula, onion, feta, and Parmesan in my fridge.  And to make it easy, I thawed some phyllo and popped in a hodgepodge "pizza" into the oven for dinner.  Because that's what I do during nap times when I've got a 3 hour window to entertain myself and a whopping $5 left in our budget for the week.  Thankful my hubs is easily pleased.  Apples and oranges on the side.
P.S.  Have I mentioned that I've tossed around the idea of a blog called "Cooking on the Cheap" where the goal is to cook with a $5 budget in mind?  Not sacrificing quality, but embracing the challenge to create delicious, sometimes healthy, and affordable meals with pocket change.  The tag line would be something like..."professionally trained chef, domestically trying to stay in budget."


Brittany P. said...

love that idea! I'd surely read it :)

Anonymous said...


Do that blog for sure :)

Laura said...

Love it!!! Seriously! I would read it ... and tell others to read it to. Could catch on :)