Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 13: Goals

I looked back to see what my resolutions were for this year.  Here's what I wrote down.
* eat at uchi
* start composting
* buy new make-up
* write more cards
* have a weekly date night
* learn photoshop

With the exception of date nights, I didn't do any of them.  As the norm goes with my New Year's resolutions.  However, I did accomplish some things that I didn't set out to do.  Such as, become an active person, build more clientele for Taste and See, go on a fun vacation to celebrate our anniversary, and get pregnant.

Some short term goals we have in the Bonser household include finishing the laundry room cabinets, spend within our weekly budget, take walks together at night, and give Marlow park time at least once a week.

Long term goals for us are to adopt at least one child, pay off all debt and stay out of debt, travel more, give more, and start a business together.  Some are rather vague, but we've got an idea how they ought to look.