Sunday, February 07, 2010


i've started back to work again part-time and i love it. i didn't think i would want to work, but i've really missed it and i'm excited for the events i've booked for the next couple of months. this week and next will be very busy with valentine's day coming up and then a couple of catered parties. i'm thankful that i am able to have a flexible schedule and that chris can watch vera while i work.

i always thought having a job was something to tide me over until i became a mom, but i am grateful that God has given me a love for my work and business for an income. taste and see fine dining will turn 4 years old this year. it has taken me that long to build rapport and clientele in austin, and that's another reason i wouldn't want to quit working now.

i have some goals for my business this year that include some continual education, updated state license for food safety, an investment in marketing, a website update, and the purchase of some additional equipment. i am also at the point where i am compiling a list of hire-able contract workers; servers, bartenders, delivery service. it's stressful at times, but overall very rewarding.