Thursday, February 25, 2010


i experienced the runner's high for the first time ever today. it felt amazing. i'm a slower runner (10 minute miles), but longer distances are getting easier. i ran almost 5 miles today and it was after the first couple of miles that it kicked in. i didn't have to think about breathing. my heartrate was not high at all. i wasn't huffing and puffing for air. it was seriously so easy. i've never felt that before but it was awesome and now i'm addicted, i think. i tried to go into my run today with the mentality of asking myself if i could do a half marathon in the future. instead of watching the clock, i just set my ipod on shuffle and let the music be my focus (and 'the view' and 'ellen'). i can't believe i'm going to say this, but i love to run. i'm making sure to stretch out really well today. come march, i think i could up my run to at least 4 miles and make my long run of the week 5 or 6. we'll see!


Christy said...

I wish I enjoyed running. So do you run w/your little one? Outside? Or do you have a treadmill?

Mark, Lana, & Addelynn said...

Oh you are an inspiration. I have gotten out of my running habit this cold winter. It's really hard to push the jogging stroller and take the dog through the slush and snow (though it's a great workout). I wish I could train with you! Keep up the awesome work.