Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I Hate the Dentist

I consider myself to be a rather tolerant person. But not at the dentist's office. I've had some bad experiences sitting in the chair, if you know what I mean. At least once a week, I have some kind of dream/nightmare that involves damage to my teeth. I've definitely had my fare share of surgeries, extractions, root canals, replacements, and have endured many not-so-fun moments. Today was another one of those. I was going just for my bi-monthly cleaning, as far as I knew. But then again, from my experiences, most places offering healthcare don't usually tend to inform the patient what will actually take place.

1. I ended up having x-rays and a gum examination done. Fine, whatever. The fact is, just tell me what to expect!
2. My insurance (and most, for that matter) only pays for a dental cleaning once every six months. We went in February, and since we were scheduled again in JUNE, I figured that we'd receive our second cleanings of the year...although only 4 months apart, how was I supposed to know differently. So, since I wasted a second visit, I rescheduled my real cleaning in the month of October.
3. I waited an hour. Blame it on having to go to a dental corporation (versus a private practice, what I was used to growing up) or what have you. Regardless of the reason, that's just too long to wait. I struggle with this because I don't want to be the American that fights for my rights...however, we are all on a schedule and I typically expect to wait less than 30 minutes--that's from my experience thus far at Dr. Treat You Like Crap that I go to.
4. My dental hygienist was completely rude. And although I tried to ignore the inappropriate conversation that was occurring between her and my DENTIST, it was a little difficult since I had poking metal objects in my mouth.


Anonymous said...

I hate the dentist too. Like, don't go because of anxiety attacks. I'm just proud of you for sitting in the chair!

andy said...

why do you go bi-monthly?