Tuesday, August 15, 2006

And I Thought (enter a famous inventor here) Was Smart

So today I discovered what I think might be the best invention ever created (apart from other significant inventions such as Kitchen Aid mixers and weed whackers): cockroach killer spray. I don't know if you are all aware that for many years now I have suffered from entomophobia, specific only to the Order of Blattodea. I have tried to get over this dumb fear, however, moving to Texas didn't help any. I found one in our garage this morning, hiding in the dark. I panicked only a minute or so, being sure to stand free and clear of it, at least 10 feet away. But I mustered up the courage to destroy this invader. Conveniently and miraculously, there just so happened to be some of this glorious pest spray on a shelf. The old homeowners must have forgotten it, but I know that God had perfectly predestined it to be there for this very moment. The best part about this killing agent is that just by impressing my appendage upon the nozzle button, I was able to "shoot" the devilbug all the way from where I was, not getting near it. It was powerful enough from several feet away to annhilate it. The foaming action confused and disoriented the devilbug and by the time it regained it's senses, the poison had overtaken it's life and it lay motionless on it's back. Though I now have my hope placed in this trusty killing spray, I still had to check on the corpse every now and then just to make sure that it wasn't resurrected by some crazy reason. That's my story of victory for today.