Saturday, July 29, 2006

Lazy Saturdays

I love lazy Saturdays. Sleeping in is a great start. This morning Chris woke up and rode ~26 miles with the two guys from work that he's doing the triathalon with this weekend. He came home and I fixed a breakfast of buttermilk pancakes, sausage, and scrambled eggs. I'm not a huge breakfast person, but Chris sure enjoyed it after his workout this morning. It's great not feeling rushed to go anywhere or do anything. Today we have plans to go to a bookstore, get biking shorts for Chris, and have a date night tonight! We'll be heading to Mount Bonnell with a picnic to watch the sun set. Ice cream afterwards. This really reminds me of when we first started dating because neither of us had much money to spend for dates. One of my favorite memories is Chris fixing me dinner at his apartment, then we took a blanket and chocolate covered strawberries over to Happy Hollow Park to watch the stars. So much fun. We also used to play cards and have coffee a lot with gift cards his mom would send him. :) I feel like there's something great about returning to our "roots" of when we first met and being reminded that we don't need to spend money to have a good time together. He's such a fun person to be around.