Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Am A Whore. {But God}

How many times do I run away from the Lover of my soul back to things that satisfy my sinful nature?  Over and over and over and over I reject God, yet He welcomes me back.

Adultery is one of the most destructive things a human can ever take part in.  It produces in us a greater despair than what we know.  That's basically what I'm taking part in when I choose other 'lovers,' or things over my God.

There's a story in the Bible about a highly respected, holy man (a prophet) named Hosea.  God told him to marry a prostitute.  That's ridiculous, right?  This woman was a whore.  She rejected her husband's love and went to other lovers over and over again.  But Hosea stood  firm and did not relent in pursuing his wife.

This story is about me, ya'll!  It tells me that I am rotten to the core.  But God has extended to me His unfailing love.  It is bountiful and beautiful and life-giving.  And regardless of how many times I screw up, my Father does not relent in pursuing me.

Why do I try to fill my heart with things not of God?  Only He can fill it.
(Ecc. 3:10) He has put eternity into the heart of man.

I desire to chase after only the affection of Christ.  No other thing.

Knowing God and being in relationship with Him is the only thing that will meet and satisfy the deepest longing of my heart, the deepest need of my soul


Christy Hutchins said...

Love it when you are so raw and honest! Love you and love this!