Sunday, May 23, 2010

a love letter.

dear vera,
you are 7 months old now and i can confidently say that no one else has ever stole my heart the way you have. i wasn't so sure the first couple of months of your life, but we got through it, you and me, and by month four we were inseparable. i can hardly believe how fast you are growing and changing. you are doing something new everyday, it seems. last week you went from bouncing on your hands and knees to crawling with no problem within a couple of days. today i spotted two little teeth poking through on your bottom gums. i have to say, i've always loved your gummy smile and i will miss it when the pearly whites come in, but at the same time, i'm so thankful you are developing the way you should be. i am so very grateful that you are a healthy girl and i haven't messed you up too much yet. thanks for sticking with me while i figure out this whole motherhood thing. i sometimes think i haven't been the mom you deserve, but luckily you haven't held it over my head yet. i promise to always love you, no matter what. and i give you my word that i will take care of you and be there for you whenever you need me. sometimes you won't want me around and that's okay, but know that i will always make myself available to you. i love you so much and you have changed my life for the better. i can't imagine my life without you and i hope we get to experience so much together. i just wanted to share these thoughts with you because the days are a blur sometimes and it's when you're asleep in your bed that i want to hold you and kiss you and whisper my love to you.

love, momma