Friday, April 02, 2010

just a piece of glass.

i am embarking upon an experiment in my own home. beginning tomorrow, april 3rd, i am covering up all mirrors in my house (a total of 6) for 3 months--until july 3rd. why? because, honestly, i look at it way too frequently, waste too much time studying my reflection, and have realized how much i value physical appearance. i don't like that. it's just a piece of glass. but for some crazy reason, myself and most of you out there, allow it to alter our moods one way or the other in how we feel about ourselves. the point isn't to not see my face for 3 months but to let it be a daily reminder of how i should find my confidence and identity in christ alone. it will probably drive the point home even moreso when i am at a friend's house or in the car looking the rear view mirror because i won't be used to seeing myself. i'm kind of excited about this. if i see you on a weekly basis, be a friend and let this sister know if she's got something in her teeth, mascara on the top of her eyelids, or spit-up in an obvious place (not that this is too uncommon for me these days, but nonetheless!). if anyone else is up for joining me in this challenge, let me know. i'd love to dialogue thoughts with you throughout the next 90 days.