Friday, September 04, 2009

The Chronicles of Carey: September 4th

Homecoming dance was tonight. I went. I didn't want to at first, but I'm glad I did. I think. I had the best time. I danced with Tyler Muir, Tyler Noland, Chris Troup, Jason Galimore, Zach, and Matt Crossett. You may be surprised, dear diary, but I did not dance with my love, L.J.

Wow. Are you laughing as hard as i am right now? This is good stuff, people. Entertainment at it's finest. That was in 8th grade, by the way. Okay, moving on to the next decade when i was much more mature (and reflective, you'll observe) in 10th grade.

I wonder what it would be like if all the people in my sixth grade class got together again. If we had to sit by the same people we sat with then. If we were only able to hang out with each other again, I wonder what it'd be like. We've all grown apart and gone our separate ways. Would it be the same as how it was almost five years ago? I'd still be the Christian girl with big boobs.

haha! Okay, rolling on the floor now. But let's keep going, shall we?

College is on my mind. I haven't been accepted yet to IU and that's been the only school I've considered so far. My SAT scores were extremely low, so I hope they look at my GPA instead.

Thankful I did not go to IU because I wouldn't have met my husband!

I have drill tomorrow, Lord. I have no doubt you'll be with me. We're doing annual weapons qualification, so a change of pace will be nice.

My Tuesday night with Chris was good. I took stuff to his house and we ate hamburgers, corn and green beans for dinner. I like it how neither of us are picky about food and that we don't really care to go out and spend money. Like yesterday we watched a movie, took a nap, cut his hair, and just talked.

Something is funny to me about that last one. Not sure if it's the mention of food or hair cutting. Continuing...

I wish Chris and I had plans today, but it seems like all he wants to do is stay in and play on his computer. What a wasted, free day! I had mentioned several times about going to San Antonio or to visit Laura or do things in Austin, but it's frustrating. I'd like him to initiate things for us to do rather than me organize all the entertainment for us. The more iIwrite about it, the more agitated I get. I think I'll go lay out to blow off steam. Sun is good.

okay, that one was funny, too.

i'm sensing some frustration from the early years before my sweet husband was "trained" to do better things with his time than play his Xbox all the time. :) teeheehee


Sara @ Life With the Two said...

I love you too much! Made me smile.