Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Week In the Life: Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday

I'm catching up and will be random because the last couple of days have been overwhelmingly busy. Marlow has a bug and was up all night, which kept me up all night. I think I got about two hours of sleep. I had an interview this morning and can't believe I stayed awake for it.

But besides work, here's more pictures from the last couple of days.
More walks with Marlow.
A silly picture of me getting ready for client visits.
"Deposit for business checking, please."
A visit to the podiatrist because I have ATHLETE'S FOOT!!! (Yes, I'm gross and it may be a little too much information, but that's why my subtitle says, "much more than you probably want to know.") You can't see it, but there's a dime-sized spot on the bottom of my foot. Gotta get that sucker.
Home for lunch.
Picking up the prescription.
Where I've spent many hours and will spend many more.
My first corporate client!


Sara @ Life With the Two said...

Yay for corporate clients! And what the heck is the green stuff on your lunch plate? It looks like peeled grapes...