Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Too Far Away

There are days that being so far away from family is difficult. And I've been in that season for quite some time now. They are roughly 20 hours away, too long of a drive over a weekend. I wish I could just hop on a plane for a few days to get my fix, but that's not possible. It's been months since I've seen them and it's just hard sometimes. I love my husband and his family that live close, but nobody can replace your own family. If you live near yours, I hope you're thankful.

Let me introduce you to some of my favorite people:

This woman's got it together on the inside and out. She is who I think of when I read 1 Peter 3:4 that talks about "having the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of worth in God's sight." I don't understand how I came from her because I can be such a loud, obnoxious, spastic person sometimes and she is so gentle with her words, careful to think before she speaks, and just naturally tender and calm. Those are great qualities in a mom. She has always put her family before herself. She is steady and constant. She is so good at making much out of little whether it be in entertaining children, cooking, camping, or budgeting. She is a friend to everyone and doesn't judge others. All feel welcome in her presence and even seek her out for advice. She is thoughtful and makes it her business to bless others.
No one could replace him. Together, he and my mom are a unit. They are individuals, but they operate together and unity is really seen in their marriage. My dad is a hard worker. He doesn't complain often and can always find good in a situation. He is a jokester and though sometimes they are just too much for me to handle, he's always making someone chuckle. He's good at brightening your day with a hug or a back rub or sticking food in his mouth in a weird way that makes it just look gross and funny at the same time. Basically, he's a big kid. :) He is a great father and always worked hard to provide well for his family. He is creative and remembers in detail things that happened years ago. He can make up a themed song on the fly and has a endless appetite for all things chocolate. I love my dad.

My big brother. I am so proud of him. Proud of him for the small things and proud of him for the big things. He is a man of wisdom, always seeking answers to life's questions first from God's Word. He desires not to live life like an ordinary person, but to live radically for Christ, each day making a difference for His name. He is funny and always has a pun to share. He's intelligent and knows much more about computers and electrical things than I could ever want to know. He also has a good memory for random information. He makes much out of little and is easily pleased. He goes out of the way for you and likes to be the one in the background taking care of things while others are in the spotlight.
I couldn't think of a better sister-in-law if I tried. She's got everything I've always wanted in one. She's got such a sweet disposition, a truly caring heart, she's funny when tired and funny when not tired, and best of all, she reflects Jesus. Her conversation and attitude and thoughts are align with God's. She is a great listener and empathetic to others. I love her spunk and the fact that she's so comfortable to be around. In fact, I'd say that she is a relaxing person to be around. You don't feel a need to be someone you're not, to impress her, or to entertain her. She's so talented at crafty things and I envy that. She's good with kids and very creative.

Oh where do I start? In a sibling kind of way, I've been in love with him since I met him in the womb 23 years ago. It's been said that we have been the best of friends and the worst of enemies, but I'd say we have always been on each others' sides. If I think of someone I really love, he comes to mind. I've looked up to him for as long as I can remember. There is so much to admire about him. He's creative and smart. He is so good at problem-solving and thinking out of the box. He's loving and always seems to notice the unnoticed ones. I feel safe with him. I know he'd take care of me and look out for me. He's so thoughtful and a great helper. And he has a great memory, too. He's good at thinking up new inventions and alternative solutions. He's sweet and kind-hearted, always making me laugh. One of my favorite quotes from him took place in the spring of my Junior year of high school. I was trying on prom dress options at home and was determining which would be the one. I was frustrated because I wasn't exactly fitting into them as I would have liked. The zippers didn't zip and the clasps didn't clasp. I remember venting about how I felt ugly and fat. Aaron's response was unforgettable: "Carey, you're not ugly. It just doesn't hold all of your beauty."


Michelle said...

i love you. i miss you. aarons quote is beautiful. in jr. high he signed my yearbook..."don't vomit on your shoes. it smells bad."... i thought he was genius. = )

Sara @ Life With the Two said...

I totally understand the needing your family feeling. We're 17 hours away! I love your family too, lots of memories growing up include the five of you! Miss you bunches!