Monday, November 14, 2005

The $1 Check

Workin ahead. 4 weeks left of the semester and Carey still has enough steam to pump out the knowledge for homeworks, papers, projects, exams, and other assignments. Woo hoo. Tonight I am meeting with my Philosophy group to cram for our Ethics exam next Monday. The day we talked about hedonism and utilitarianism in class I should have worn my tee shirt that says, "Christian Hedonist." On the back it says, "Delight yourself in the Lord." Christ is the one and only thing in which we are able to find complete pleasure and happiness. Jonathon Edwards had a lot to say about that, too. And check out John Piper. That's some serious enjoyment when you delight in the Lord! On a random I received a card in the mail from Disabled Veterans that thanked me for serving my country when I was in the Army. It was a nice gesture because I don't think I ever considered that I did much for my country since I pretty much just did a bunch of office work. Also, it was about 3 years ago that I got out of the military, so I hadn't expected to receive recognition, but, included in the card was a check for $1. I found that rather humerous.