Friday, March 30, 2012

Currently Snacking On...

Not really a snack, but we can't get enough 'round here lately.  Even Vera asks for it.  I've always liked coconut water (see picture below taken in 2008 during our trip to Singapore), but just introduced it to my girls and they love it.  We don't give our kids juice here (The options are usually just milk and water.  I know, we're a family of hard knocks.), but occasionally I will buy something different to try.  There was a huge end cap full of Zico Coconut Water at the market I frequent and it was on sale, so I thought I'd try some.  I may be adding this as a weekly staple to the shopping list.


Emily said...

Love it! Its got so much good stuff in it... that is what I drank through and after labor with Chloe at home.